Tuesday, September 11, 2018

Back in La Mazure

Joy and I have returned from our respective trips. I will let her write about leading the women's Wales trip  in another post. I got to wrap up the third module of a leadership program with high potential leadership of a tech non-profit. It was held at this wonderful retreat center and we got to make use of their outdoor classroom under the beautiful oak tress. One my way back I stopped by Pittsburgh to kick off the fall course at Pitt.

This morning we said good bye to Amanda as she takes a few days to travel before returning home. We are so grateful for the ways she cared for our kids during their first week of school in France. You rock, Amanda!

 Then we took the kids to the bus stop in downtown La Mazure (i.e. the village parking lot). The kids have this luxury passenger van to travel the mile down the mountain to school and they look pretty excited for their second week of school. Tonight is the parent teacher meeting so I'll get to hear about Annelise's class.

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