Wednesday, September 04, 2019

Changes on the horizon

As some of you might know, in the fall of 2018 after almost 20 years of ministry, I (Francois) took a sabbatical of sorts. My hope was for a time of rest, reading and reflection (a different kind of, yet equally important, 3 R’s). The time away from the familiar rhythms of work with the CCO did not quite go as I had planned. However, managing the changes and unmet expectations as the sabbatical unfolded prepared me for the next season that God seems to be orchestrating in our lives. We would like to share some of these emerging changes with you in this letter.

A dear friend recently described our (Joy's and my) calling as taking people to places they have never been. This is such a great description of the physical, emotional and spiritual journey we design and lead for people. Over the last few years, our work has shifted more and more from working directly with students to working more with the adults who support ministry or do direct work with college students. During my sabbatical, it became clearer that Joy and I are moving into a new season of pursuing our calling. Joy had already begun this transition during her year at Georgetown University to become a certified leadership coach. 

Joy and I are passionate about our work in leadership development and experiential discipleship and we are looking to expand the types of organizations and audience that we serve in this work. Towards that end, I will be leaving the CCO at the end of September. We have launched a new organization called Growing Latitude, a name which reflects the goal of our work of designing literal and figurative journeys towards more spacious ways of being in work and life. Through Growing Latitude, we will continue to work with the CCO on a project basis as well as serve new organizations and ministries. In addition, Joy and I will be working with Cultivating Leadership, a global network of leadership development professionals who help individuals and organizations grow to deal with the increasing complexity so many leaders are faced with today.

Starting next week, Joy and I will lead one more trip for the CCO by taking a group of donors on a pilgrimage. This 10-day trip is one we have led a number of times and we are thrilled to be taking another group to the mountains to explore the themes of pilgrimage and how God speaks to us during travels, especially travels in the wilderness. Please pray with us for the participants to be open to what God has in store for them on this adventure.

As we look towards closing out our time with the CCO at the end of the month, we have been reminded of all the individuals and churches who have made it possible for us to serve college students over the last 20 years. Your faithful commitment has ministered to us and offered a constant reminder of God’s faithfulness. We are so grateful that you have partnered with us in our ministry with the CCO for so many years. Your gifts, notes, and hospitality during our visits were always a blessing and an encouragement to us. I pray that your faithfulness has also been a blessing to you and your family. Thank you for your love and support.

I will move to Associate Staff, which is what the CCO calls volunteers connected to the ministry. As Associate Staff, I will no longer be receiving paychecks from the CCO and any financial contribution to our CCO ministry account can only be used to cover our volunteer expenses. Any donations made by September 15 will be included in our final paycheck. If you would like to continue supporting the work of the CCO and its staff, we can make suggestions of colleagues doing wonderful work with students.
This transition feels like a huge leap of faith for us. It is not one we are taking lightly and we deeply seek your continued prayers for Joy and I, our family, and our new partners. You can follow our continued adventures on our various social media feeds (facebookTwitterInstagram).

Peace and love,
Francois and Joy