Wednesday, August 29, 2018

Off to Wales

Jumping the gun from Day 14 to Day 23. Lots to tell you about in later posts. Joy left this morning to lead a group of women on a 10-day spiritual trek and retreat along the Wales Coastal Trail. Together with our good friend Andi Schrader, they will be making space for rest, reflection and seeking God as they explore significant places of Celtic Christianity. You can read more about the trip here. This trip is an amazing intersection of some of Joy's passions in life: travel, trip leading, helping others grow through coaching and discipleship. I can't wait to hear the stories and see the photos of their journey to this wild and beautiful place.

In the mean time, the kids and I are staying in La Mazure. The places is very quiet with all the neighbors out on vacation before school begins next week. This makes for long days for the kids without their new friends. Please keep all of us in your prayers.

Dave and Andi Schrader and Joy during the scouting trip to Wales last year.

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