Spring breaks came so fast on the heels of Jubilee that we did not have time to report on the amazing conference we had. To catch a glimpse of this year's event, check out the 2 minute highlights reel.

A total of 3,500 people attended Jubilee this year and as the testament of students in the video shows, God moved in the hearts of students through the worship, the speakers and the workshops.
Our work during the conference involved spending time with the representatives from CCO partnerships who attended the weekend. In particular we met at length with the folks from Williamson Free School of Trades, Rosedale Technical Institute, and Valley Forge Military Academy. As you can tell by their names, these schools are not your traditional 4-year colleges. They are post-secondary trade schools who equip students to work in traditional trades like masonry, automotive, power plant management or prepare them for service in the military. CCO and XD have been working with The Williamson School for the last six years and the impact of our work with students on the culture of the school has been so noticeable that other technical schools are inquiring. What can CCO do for our school? Such questions make for long and rich discussions about possibilities for the future.
That's the whole point of the Jubilee conference. God so loved the world—the cosmos--that he gave his only son! God cares about and is redeeming through Jesus all of his creation--not just the ones with two legs! He cares about 2-year technical school students in the same way He cares about 4-year liberal arts students. God cares about the craftsmanship of a piece of software code as much the flowers of the landscape architect. And He cares about how these institutions of learning shape the students during their tenure in those institutions. As Professor Richard Middleton, Sunday morning's speaker said: God cares for the natural and the cultural. The heavens declare the glory of God, the rocks will cry out and the bell's on the horses and the kitchen pots will be holy! (Psalm 19:1, Luke 19:40, Zech 14:20)
So join us in praising and thanking God for a great Jubilee conference and for His work among the students and among the schools we are called to serve. This Changes Everything!
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