Leadership and Discipleship in the Wilderness (LDW) Wyoming, a six-week expedition to the Wind River mountains, left the CCO equipment room yesterday. Seven students and four staff will spend the next 40 days in the wilderness learning about leadership, outdoor skills and having their character shaped by God as He reveals, in the midst of his creation and this tight knit community, what was in each of their hearts (Deuteronomy 8:2).

Hat tip to Phil M. in the CCO's communication department for creating a wonderful interactive map of the LDW itinerary. Check it out. It's got pictures and everything. Also The students will be tweeting weekly updates via satellite phone that will be posted here.
You got to love technology.
Joy and I have led this trip several times and it holds a special place in our hearts and in our ministry. It's good to see the next generation of CCO staff take over this amazing opportunity for students to be transformed in the wilderness.

1 comment:
'Cois and Joy: this is SO COOL! You know I am an absolute freak when it comes to technology and its useful integration into life; the fact that I can see the map, look at pictures on your blog, and FOLLOW on TWITTER (!) is amazing. I applaud your cutting edge work along the sharper edge! You guys rock. Love to you both from Mexico (leemingsinmx.wordpress.com) and I'll keep the trip in my prayers.
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