Last month, Joy and I attended a mission conference held by a church that supports our ministry. Speaking to the congregation about what we do with the CCO, we were impressed with the effort the church made to welcome its missionaries and maximize face-to-face time with church members. This church has a global view of its mission and wants to hear about what God is doing through the folks whose work it supports.
It was such a mutually encouraging weekend. We were able to share that God is on college campuses and God is in the wilderness where college students go on spring break trips or summer discipleship programs. Others shared about how God is at work in other parts of the US and around the world.
I think this is how it is supposed to work. We are not all called to the ends of the earth. Some students are called to build God’s kingdom in offices, schools, laboratories, and courtrooms while others will be called to use their skills in places far, far away. Like the mission conference last month, the service-learning and wilderness trips offered by the CCO seek to expose students to new ways of seeing themselves, the world, and where God is at work so they might more clearly discern the call for their lives.
Thanks for being people who make it possible for us to be out there with students.