A weekend mission conference
This past weekend, Joy and I attended the mission conference at Brice's Creek church in North Carolina. The church is one of our supporting churches and every two years they invite the missionaries they sponsor to return and let the congregation know what they have been doing. The theme this year was: Where is God?
It was an incredible experience of hearing from 25 missionaries from around the world and the US how they have seen God move in their work. It's easy to for me to forget but God is working in Africa, in the Middle East, in Eastern Europe, in the Caribeans, and of course on US college campuses.
What an inspiration to hear from these folks that have been in ministry all their lives and are still following God's leading; some continuing in their work (the dentist ministry in Kenya for 25 years) and other moving to a whole new part of the world (Athlete in Action minister moving to Jerusalem after 10 years in Austria).
Joy and I also had a chance to talk to the youth group and to the college and career group about what it means to be a faithful to the calling of being a student.
Thank you for all your prayers and support that keeps us "out there" with students.
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