Thursday, February 16, 2012

Jubilee 2012 is here!!!

February is already well on the way and the excitement has been building.
This weekend is Jubilee, the CCO's annual student conference. Starting tomorrow 2,000 students will descend on the Pittsburgh convention center to spend the weekend with national and local speakers who are sharing what it means to live out your faith in your professional calling. The conference is a life-changing experience for many as they hear a resounding "Yes, God does care about you and what you do with your life and your studies!" For some it might be the first time being confronted openly with God's love and call on their life. For others, Jubilee is like an oasis from the daily classroom where their faith is not taken seriously (at best) or even ridiculed (at worst) by their professors and peers.

Want to see who will be speaking and holding workshops this weekend? Check out the interactive Jubilee program

For Joy and I, the weekend is an opportunity to connect with students, staff and speakers as we continue to recruit for our summer programs. On Friday Francois will be facilitating discussions at Jubilee Professional, an event for business leaders and Joy will be interviewing prospective CCO staff. On Saturday, we will meet with visitors and host the CCO Experiential Designs table with other CCO staff. Sunday morning is worship time with speakers Richard Mouw, president of Fuller Seminary and Bob Goff, lawyer and founder to Restore International.

If you are near the Pittsburgh area, consider joining us Sunday morning as the sessions are open to the public.

As we head into Jubilee weekend, we are thankful for your care for college students and your support of our ministry with the CCO. If you remember, please keep Jubilee in your prayers this weekend.