Leadership and discipleship in the Wilderness 2007
June 2-July 3—Georgian Bay—Ontario, Canada
We are going on a journey—a pilgrimage of sorts—a sea kayaking adventure with 11 college students this summer. LDW has traditionally been held in the Wyoming mountains, but this year while CCO is training new mountaineering instructors, we will pilot a new destination for this summer program. Nate Tiefenbach, Charity Haulbrich and Emily Bean will join Joy and I in leading this 32-day voyage. During the trip, students will focus on 5 areas of discovery– Spiritual Disciplines, Leadership, Community, Knowing, and Servanthood.
In the story of Israel, God tells his people that he led them to the wilderness for an attitude check and a time of discovery (“to humble you and test you in order to know what was in your heart, whether or not you would keep his commands." Deut 8:2). Over the years we have found that this is still true. On LDW, in the quiet of the wilderness, students have a chance to reflect on their lives on campus and to hear in a new way the still small voice of God calling them: “Since you are precious and honored in my sight and because I love you…” (Isaiah 43:4).
Unlike the powerful mountaintop moments that mountaineering offers, a
150 mile sea kayaking journey gives a chance to experience what Eugene
Peterson calls “the long obedience in the same direction”- the perseverance
and discipline that are needed for a life-long journey of faith. Please pray for
us and the students as we engage on this pilgrimage.