Sometimes, not as often as Francois, I get philosophical. I'm usually overtired and have had too much caffeine on a long road trip or I just get stuck with an image in my head that I can't let go. My latest image is rock climbing. When I step back and imagine what it looks like to the general public, I can understand the absurdity, meaninglessness, and apparent stupidity that I know many see. I think the same about things like nascar.
I heard Lynn Hill (world class cliimber) speak last week. She has lived and traveled around the world to climb rocks. A lot of very high rocks and ones with very little to hold onto. That does sound absurd. But I love climbing rocks, too. On the sharp end of what? a marshmallow stick? a cliff edge? a poker game gone bad? No.
A rope. A what? On the sharp end of a climbing rope.